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    发表于 2021-11-1 16:41:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    请问这本书收录的Oriol Esteve这位折纸艺术家是哪个国家的?


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  • TA的每日心情
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    发表于 2021-11-2 13:17:33 | 显示全部楼层
    admin 发表于 2021-11-2 10:44


    I'm Oriol Esteve, I'm from Barcelona, I'm 48 years old and I'm journalist. I learned traditional models actually the Spanish pajarita which is very popular here, the, the boat from my mother, she told me,  and also the jumping frog, and I think the jumping frog was like I don't mind video game when I was a child, it's like I really enjoy very much that model. It just happened that then I was like 41 or 42, I was through a hard moment in my life a little bit, many many disappointments in my professional life and this kind of issues, and I just felt that I need to do something that allow me to find me in a comfortable place and use my creativity, use my imagination, and that, that was the way I started to design. I met very good folders, very good designers in my town in Barcelona, and through them we just create a kind of, a quick origami design group called OAS, origami always succeed. And it was with them that I start to design, and I start to learn how to make more difficult folds or how to go deep into origami. Probably the aesthetic of my models it's quite the same from the beginning, I mean, uhh, I like very much, I, I don't like to say cartoonish models, but models based on illustrations, models based in something that could be a painting for a child, or an illustrated book for children, right, but not, not caricature, it's like, it's like cute mabey, or like nice. At the same time I also like very much geometry, like tangram, like clean lines, I don't like shaping, I like the sharp size, I like the edges, so I think I try to mix this to, uhh, views. I don't feel attract by complex origami, maybe because I'm not able to design complex origami, but I'm not sure what is in the, in the first place, I need to go straight to the model, it's not because it's a shortcut, it's not because it's quicker, it's because you, you really feel a different energy. I really realized I was growing as a designer, between, in the last two years between my first book and my second book, I really changed completely my approach. And it's something you cannot tell just by watching the models, but it's on the folding. As important as the result that you get, it's important to, to enjoy while you are folding, and if I have to make a grid, if I have to make a sink, if I have to make a lot of precreasing, fold and unfold, I'm not enjoying. When I felt I was able to do better designs, I didn't invest that gain into make it more difficult, I invest that gain into make it easier to fold. The origami that I like it and I want to make, it's this one that it's, try to be fresh every time you fold it. It's not boring, it's you don't feel lazy to fold it again. When I'm completely sure the model is done, I do the, I do the diagrams, I draw the diagrams, and I keep the diagrams. So if I want to make a book, the diagram is done, and it's just you have to put them together. After the first book I was so tired to fold models that I like how they look but I didn't like actually exactly how they are folded, the second book was not planned, and it was, it was not a continuation of first book, it was a reaction of first book. Origami is an enjoyable thing, it's not in anybody's mind, it's like we forget that it could be like, um, just something wonderful to share and wonderful to learn, I think that is pleasing to do, I think at the end it's what I try to find because it's what I enjoy the most.

    大致翻译了下:我是Oriol Esteve,来自巴塞罗那,48岁(20年的视频,应该是1972年生人),是个记者。我学过传统折纸,比如在这里很流行的西班牙鸟、我妈妈教我的小船、还有跳蛙,我非常喜欢跳蛙这个折纸,小时候我都不喜欢打电子游戏。在我四十一二岁的时候,我的职业生涯中发生了很多不愉快的事,我觉得我需要做一些能让我处于舒适状态、可以发挥我的创造力和想象力的事情,由此我开始设计折纸。我在巴塞罗那的家乡遇到了优秀的折纸人、优秀的设计者,我们创建了一个名为OAS的快速折纸设计团,意为折纸总会胜利。我在和他们一起时开始设计,学习如何制作更难的折纸,如何在折纸上走得更深。可能我对折纸的审美与最初相同,我的意思是,虽然我不喜欢说“卡通折纸”(这种说法),但我非常喜欢基于插画、孩子的画、儿童图画书这样的东西的折纸,但不是指漫画,它应该是可爱的。同时我也喜欢几何结构,比如七巧板,清晰的线条,我不喜欢塑形,我喜欢锐利的边沿,所以我尝试把这些混合到视域中。复杂的折纸并不吸引我,可能是因为我不善于设计复杂的折纸,但我不确定首要原因是什么。我需要直接地进行折纸,不是因为这是一条捷径,不是因为这样更快,而是因为真的能感觉到一种不同的能量。我意识到了我作为一个设计者的成长,在我出版第一本书和第二本书之间,我彻底改变了我的方法。有的东西你无法仅仅通过看折纸来了解,它在折的过程之中。和你得到的结果一样,享受于折的过程也很重要,而如果我要做很多格栅、沉折、预先做折痕、折起又展开,我就不享受了。当我能够做出更好的设计,我不会投入于使它更难,而是投入于使它更易折。我喜爱的、我想要做的折纸应当是每一次折都能使人感到新鲜的,它不会无聊,不会让人不想再折。当我完全确定一个折纸作品已经完成,我会画出折图并保存,所以当我想出书的时候,折图已经完成了,只需要把它们集合起来。第一本书出版后,我厌倦了折那些外观令我喜爱但事实上我并不喜欢其折制过程的作品,第二本书不是有意计划的,它不是对第一本书的延续,而是对第一本书的回应。折纸是一件令人享受的事,它不在任何人的意识中,就像我们忘记了它是可分享的美妙事物,我认为这是令人乐于去做的。我想说到底它是我要追求的东西,因为它是我最享受的事。




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    发表于 2021-11-2 00:42:11 | 显示全部楼层
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    发表于 2021-11-2 10:44:34 | 显示全部楼层
    餐松饮花 发表于 2021-11-2 00:42

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  • TA的每日心情
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     楼主| 发表于 2021-11-2 12:24:10 | 显示全部楼层
    餐松饮花 发表于 2021-11-2 00:42

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    发表于 2021-11-2 13:19:31 | 显示全部楼层
    乖乖站好 发表于 2021-11-2 12:24

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  • TA的每日心情
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     楼主| 发表于 2021-11-2 17:11:25 | 显示全部楼层
    餐松饮花 发表于 2021-11-2 13:19

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